Thursday, February 11, 2010

If you could shop for free at one store which could you choose? why that store? what would you buy? who would you shop for? why that person? how much do you think you would spend?
If i could shop for free in one of the stores, i wold choose some new store in anchorage forgot what its called. But i know its recent opened had has a lot of stuff! Because it has a lot of teenage shit! and the style i like:P and well of course i would go to it to check out new stuff. i would buy the whole store! Hahaha only the stuff i like. i would shop for me and my family, and maybe my friends! butt yehh. because i love'em! To special to me! i think i would spend alot! the whole store.
There is a lot of places i would want to shop, not just one place so yehh. kk have fun!